The easiest and fastest way is to provide me with the translatable text via e-mail. I will submit an individual and free flat rate based quote for your translation as soon as possible.
Private individuals are offered simple flat rates (short documents from EUR 65.00). Please find more information in section Services > Private individual. I may provide you with a free and individual quote for your translation. Click Contact me to request it.
Many other translation partners charge for their services per translated (target) line. But how many characters define a line? What is a standard line? And what expansion needs to be considered for a translation into German?
You don't have to worry about questions like these thanks to my offering simple word-based rates. You pay no more than the exact amount of words in your source document.
English/German: EUR 0.14 per word (plus VAT, if appl.)
Latvian/German: EUR 0.18 per word (plus VAT, if appl.)
Example: You need to have a text translated from English into German. Your document contains 350 words. The translation will cost EUR 49.00 (plus VAT, if appl.).
I may provide you with a free and individual quote for your translation.
Click Contact me to request it.
Markus Sieber Übersetzungen
Clarenbachstr. 152
50931 Köln
Tel.: +49 (0) 221-16875131
Mob: +49 (0) 170-6658153
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Use my convenient contact form.
Englisch > Deutsch
Lettisch > Deutsch
Deutsch > Englisch
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